Take Part in 4-H Events & Activities: The activities available to all categories of 4-H members include summer camps, camp counseling, fairs, contests, judging team competitive events, public speaking, project workshops, classes, and many more. There are also district, state, national, and international events and activities.
Learn Life-Skills Through Club Involvement: Club members yearly achieve in a project area. Achievement involves developing subject-matter knowledge and teaching others through an oral, written and visual presentation. Public speaking, record keeping, written and workmanship skills are developed through this process. All 4-Hers are recognized for their efforts. Interpersonal communication skills are developed as youth attend the regularly scheduled 4-H club meetings. They have fun with other 4-Hers as they plan and carry out the activities they want to do.
Learn Leadership Skills: Youth may be elected to serve as an officer of their club. Other leadership opportunities available to all categories of members include serving on committees, serving as committee or activity chairpersons, being a county 4-H officer, camp counselor, district 4-H officer, participating in the Leadership Training Series, attending State Leadership Conference, State 4-H Legislature, or National Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington, D.C., and more.

West Central Region

SYCC Pages
EYCC Pages
Contact Info
Pasco County, Dade City 4-H
36702 State Road 52Dade City, FL 33525
Phone: 352-518-0532
Pasco County, Dade City 4-H Website