Museum of Science and History

The Museum of Science & History (MOSH) inspires the joy of lifelong learning by bringing to life the sciences and regional history. The Florida Naturalistโ€™s Center within MOSH focuses on the urban wildlife of the Northeast Florida region, along with environmental and wildlife conservation, citizen science projects, and providing hands-on experiences for guests. Our Teen Internship for the Florida Naturalistโ€™s Center provides training in animal husbandry, research skills, and public speaking. Teens work closely with our Living Collection and the Hixon Native Plant Courtyard. Summer Camp experiences include one or two weeks on ecosystem based curriculum, utilizing the Hixon Native Plant Courtyard and Florida Naturalistโ€™s Center as activity spaces for the campers. Educators and Naturalists also provide ecosystem based curriculum for outreaches, school field trips and home school groups.

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