Camp Chowenwaw County Park was purchased to conserve rapidly diminishing open space, preserve the property’s upland and wetland natural communities, protect and if possible enhance the site’s suitability for listed species that have used or could use the habitats, restore and interpret the unique historic resources on the site, and provide educational and recreational opportunities for the public.
The park has tent campsites, overnight cabins, day-use buildings, fishing pier, boardwalks, interpretive nature trail and other interpretive signs, a canoe launch, and picnic area. The total length of all trails is 1.25 miles. Visitors are welcome to bring their own boats for kayaking/canoeing or to arrange rental elsewhere, there are currently no rentals in the park. The park has waterfront access at the mouth of Black Creek, which is shown as a paddling trail in the recreational trails database, although it has no sponsor or published information. Black Creek empties into the St. Johns River, a state-designated Blueway easily visible from our shoreline. The park is accessible by bicycle on a paved trail, but has no internal cycling trails. There are some geocaches on the property, however the County does not have a policy or any oversight of them. Programs for school field trips and other groups include offerings in wetlands, pond life., insects, plant and animal adaptations, seeds, habitats, energy in nature, and sensory exploration of nature. Guided walks are also available along with partners’ programs in archaeology and Florida wildlife. We host a quarterly nature center with exhibits and a featured speaker as well as a monthly history museum open house. Programs are not strictly for youth, although most of our program customers are schools. We would like to offer a dedicated nature center/visitors’ center with dedicated indoor classroom and outdoor educational space. Currently these facilities are shared for general public rental so use for park programs is limited particularly weekends and summers. Service learning opportunities are available such as Eagle Scout projects or other youth organization projects as well as projects and volunteer opportunities for adults.
Funding for the acquisition of Camp Chowenwaw was provided by Clay County and the Florida Communities Trust using Florida Forever funds. The site was acquired in March 2006 and is managed as a conservation, historic preservation, and outdoor recreation area.

North Central Region
Canoeing, Fishing: Freshwater, Guided Tours, Primitive Camping, School Field Trips, Service Learning/Volunteer Opportunities, Wildlife Viewing
Cabins, Canoe/Kayak Launch, Hiking Trails, Indoor Classroom, Meeting/Retreat Center, Outdoor Classroom, Paddling Trails, Pavilions, Restrooms

SYCC Pages
EYCC Pages
Contact Info
Camp Chowenwaw County Park
1517 Ball RoadGreen Cove Springs, FL 32043
Phone: 904-529-8058
Camp Chowenwaw County Park Website