FYCCN proudly partners with hundreds of community centers, museums, zoos, clubs, parks, nature centers, non-profits, and other public and private organizations around the state. We do this to help Florida’s families find great facilities nearby that have quality outdoor recreation programs and education, all with the goal of “Creating the Next Generation That Cares” about our state’s amazing natural resources.
Why Become a Partner?
Becoming a partner with FYCCN is free and offers program expansion resources in our focus areas, which are fishing, boating, shooting sports, and wildlife discovery. Some of the benefits FYCCN brings to partners are:
- Access to grant funding for program development and enhancement
- Professional development trainings that provide knowledge and skills in the four focus areas
- Ability to borrow FYCCN equipment and education kits through the Equipment Loaner Program
- Curriculum for field trips, summer camps and on-site programming
- Promotion of partner site and their youth events on the FYCCN website and social media platforms
- In-depth, expert assessments of programs and/or facilities with custom recommendations for enhancement or improvement
- Valuable connections with the statewide conservation community
Who Can Be a Partner?
Our partners come from all types of backgrounds, businesses, and organizations. We recognize that there are many dedicated groups across Florida that work hard to get kids outdoors, but to be eligible to partner with FYCCN, an organization must meet the following criteria:
- Possess Corporation, LLC, 501C3, or Government status
- Be able to provide enough staff and volunteers to cover operations and meet program needs
- Organization’s reach is not limited to a single participant group for an extended period (i.e. schools or classrooms who provide programs only to those enrolled at the site.) Schools providing after-school programs or other programs open for the general public are welcome to apply for partnership.
- Have legal access to or written permission to offer programs on the property where programming will occur
Not sure if your organization meets the criteria or have other questions?
Find your county on the map below and send the corresponding coordinator an email.FYCCN Regions and Coordinators
Northwest – Caleb Eveland
Caleb.Eveland@MyFWC.comNorth Central – Ben Hines
Ben.Hines@MyFWC.comNortheast – Stacey Lamborn
Stacey.Lamborn@MyFWC.comWest Central – Jake FitzRoy
Jake.FitzRoy@MyFWC.comEast Central – Keaton Fish
Keaton.Fish@MyFWC.comSouthwest – Vacant
FYCCN@MyFWC.comSoutheast – Beau Yeiser
Beau.Yeiser@MyFWC.comSouth Region – Leo Villar